When you shouldn’t Donate Blood?

When it is nature to work then humans render helpless. But if we act wisely then we have resort to many problems. One such solution is blood donation. No arguments that technology are not as advanced yet to make blood artificially but if universal citizens feel responsible to donate blood regularly then it can be availed to those in need. It is a pious job to donate blood but some people should find other way out to social service as not all are suitable for donating blood. Here are some cases when you should avoid sharing your extra iron with anyone: When you are suffering from disease that can be transmitted via blood: It is not a rocket science that the blood you donate is needed for ill people and for them the blood should be quite safe. If you are suffering from any disease which can potentially pass to the recipient through your blood then you must not donate your blood. Diseases like HIV aids, hepatitis, etc. can pass in blood. In case of cancers also, you are ...