India has the world's biggest deficiency of blood, with all states together doing combating a gigantic shortage of 41 million units and request overwhelming stock by over 400%, says the first of its sort study distributed in the journal ‘The Lancet’. What's more, demand is rising day by day, says recent research and discoveries. The best way to fulfil the blood demand to sparing individuals' lives, is from donators simply like you. Numerous individuals partner the requirement for blood and transfusions with injury unfortunate casualties and individuals who are harmed or in mishaps. In spite of the fact that this unquestionably represents a level of those out of luck, individuals who have constant conditions, for example, sickle cell iron deficiency or other blood coagulating diseases, or who are experiencing chemotherapy medicines for malignant growth, or who require medical procedure are deprived just like others.

In such situations, the WHO (World Health Organization) of blood donation recommends blood transfusion and is the solution that can help in saving lives and improving health but many patients do not have the availability of safe blood at the required time. So what holds our country back in blood donations and what should be done in order to improve this disheartening situation. First of all, we should understand several myths that keep individuals away from the deed of donation and make people aware of the blood donation process.

•    Vegetarian people can’t donate blood.
•    Blood donation hurts.
•    Donating blood can get you HIV or other infections.
•    It’s a time-consuming process.
•    Blood donation is an unhealthy process.
•    Only heavy people can give blood and not lean one.
•    Blood donation has several side effects.

Voluntary blood donation can possibly succeed only when people are well aware of its advantages and are propelled by unselfishness and the longing to help other people deprived as a feeling of good obligation or social duty. The need is to move away from various myths and the idea of blood donation should not only be restricted only when asked or when there is a need. Combating misinterpretations of blood donation as mentioned above is highly required. There is a great need for India to move towards such a system that can create a positive impact in the lives of patients pondering plenty of wellbeing challenges and to urge others to guide the crowd and give blood. We at UBlood understand the vision of blood donation in India and to amend the above shortage support for both donors and receivers is additionally required and wellbeing for all. Search for blood donors or receivers within a specific area with the help of UBlood. Individuals can discover the blood they need in their area via looking by the blood gathering or area or blood bunch and area both precisely like a Search Engine. They can send a solicitation to the givers and straightforwardly associate with the contributors and can get the healthy blood with in less time. For the blood donors in India, they will have a profile and from that, they can make a genuine commitment by giving different pieces of information/news about blood donations. Register now with


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